Built-in Messages#

iamai has built-in a message class and recommends all adapter developers to use it as much as possible. It provides many useful functionalities for conveniently constructing rich-text messages.

iamai has built-in the Message and MessageSegment classes, which represent messages and message segments, respectively.

Most adapter message classes are subclasses of the built-in message classes, but there are some special use cases that can be referred to in the adapter documentation.

The built-in message classes and message segment classes are essentially implementations of the OneBot protocol message classes.

Message Class#

The message class ( Message ) is a subclass of list and can be regarded as a list of message segments, but it provides the following additional functionalities:

It overrides the __init__() method to allow initialization with objects of types: str, Mapping, Iterable[Mapping], MessageSegment, and Message. Note that str is not natively supported and needs to be implemented by the adapter developer. When a Message object of the same type is passed in during initialization, a new Message object with the same content will be created. When a MessageSegment object is passed in, it will be added to the list. Mapping and Iterable[Mapping] are mainly for the convenience of using pydantic to process events in the adapter, which regular users do not need to be concerned about.

msg_seg = MessageSegment()
mas_seg.type = "text"
msg_seg["text"] = "Hello"
msg = Message(msg_seg)

msg = Message("Hello")  # The native built-in Message does not support this usage.

msg = Message(msg)

It implements the + and += operators, allowing direct addition with objects of types: Message, MessageSegment, and str.

msg = Message()

msg_seg = MessageSegment()
msg_seg.type = "text"
msg_seg["text"] = "Hello"

msg += msg_seg
msg = msg + "Hello" # The native built-in Message does not support this usage.

It implements the startswith(), endswith(), and replace() methods, similar to the corresponding methods for strings, but it can accept MessageSegment or str objects as arguments. Please refer to the API documentation(/api/message.md) for details.


Message Segment#

The message segment class (MessageSegment) is a data class that also inherits from Mapping. The reason for not using pydantic’s model class is to facilitate conversion to JSON in the adapter.

It has two fields: type and data, which represent the type and content of the message segment, respectively. type is of type str, and data is a dict. You can directly use dictionary-related operations on the MessageSegment object, which is equivalent to operating on the data field. For example:

msg_seg = MessageSegment()
msg_seg.type = "text"

msg_seg["text"] = "Hello" # Equivalent to msg_seg.data['text'] = 'Hello'   
print(msg_seg.get("text")) # Equivalent to print(msg_seg.data.get('text'))

Message segment objects can also be directly added to other objects, and it will return a message class.

msg_seg_1 = MessageSegment()
msg_seg_2 = MessageSegment()
msg = msg_seg_1 + msg_seg_2
type(msg)  # Message


from iamai import Plugin
from iamai.adapter.cqhttp.message import CQHTTPMessage, CQHTTPMessageSegment

class Hello(Plugin):
    async def handle(self) -> None:
       msg = CQHTTPMessage()
       msg += CQHTTPMessageSegment.text("Hello")
       msg += CQHTTPMessageSegment.image("file//path/hello.png")
       await self.event.reply(msg)

    async def rule(self) -> bool:
        if self.event.adapter.name != "cqhttp":
            return False
        if self.event.type != "message":
            return False
        return str(self.event.message) == "hello"