Quick Start#



iamai only supports Python 3.8+ versions.

Install using the Python package manager (pip):

1pip install iamai

Install the latest development version from GitHub.

1git clone https://github.com/retrofor/iamai.git
2cd iamai
3poetry install --no-dev # Recommended

Installing Adapters#

iamai itself is just a chatbot framework and requires additional installation of adapters for supporting specific protocols.

You can use pip to install protcol adapters

pip install iamai-adapter-cqhttp
pip install iamai-adapter-mirai
pip install iamai-adapter-dingtalk

Alternatively, you can install iamai along with the corresponding adapters at the same time, like this

pip install iamai[all]
pip install iamai[onebot11]
pip install iamai[dingtalk]

First Project#

This section will guide you to build a simple iamai bot project from scratch.

  1. Create and enter a new directory

    mkdir iamai-starter && cd iamai-starter

  2. Create a main.py file and write the following content.

1from iamai import Bot
3bot = Bot()
5if __name__ == "__main__":
6  bot.run()
  1. Create a config.toml file and write the following content inside that file:

2plugin_dirs = ["plugins"]
3adapters = ["iamai.adapter.cqhttp"]
  1. Create a plugins directory

    mkdir plugins

  2. Try Running main.py

    python main.py

You should see the following output log

2021-07-24 00:00:00.000 | INFO | iamai.bot:_load_plugins_from_dirs:689 - Loading plugins from dirs "/xxx/plugins"
2021-07-24 00:00:00.000 | INFO | iamai.bot:_load_adapters:746 - Succeeded to load adapter "Onebot11Adapter" from "iamai.adapter.onebot11"
2021-07-24 00:00:00.000 | INFO | iamai:run:90 - Running iamai...

Directory Structure#

iamai recommends the following directory structure:

<FileTree.Folder name=”plugins (The plugins dir)” defaultOpen>

<FileTree.File name=”xxx.py” />

</FileTree.Folder> <FileTree.File name=”config.toml (The configuration file)” /> <FileTree.File name=”main.py” />


The main.py and config.toml files are as shown above.

Configuring the Protocol Enpoint#

The above example uses the iamai.adapter.cqhttp protocol adapter, which is an adapter for the OneBot v11 protocol (formerly known as the CKYU platform’s CQHTTP protocol). It requires a protocol endpoint compatible with the OneBot protocol for communication. Here are some commonly used QQ protocol endpoints that support the OneBot protocol:

For more information, see the [CQHTTP Protocol Usage Guide](./cqhttp-adapter.md) .

You can also install other protocols adapters or try writing your own protocol adapter.

## Development Tips

When developing with iamai, it is recommended to use an IDE with type checking, such as PyCharm, VSCode, etc. This can help you make full use of iamai’s type hints.